Wednesday, July 13, 2016

FCR Studios Gene Therapy: Iggy

The interview was a little awkward, but we Googled her and turns out she was actually sorta famous, so what the hell, welcome aboard! Nothing boosts sagging album sales like a giant dong. At least that is the motto in FCR Studios’ music division. It occurs to me a quick check of the books might be in order…

As I usually do, I sampled the product with the mute button, but the production work for the debut video “Sticky” was top-notch. It’s funny, you’d think 3:19 of her busting nut on herself in various poses while wearing different huge fox coats would get old, but nope, really rather riveting viewing, especially as she got quite the top-notch set of balls, real sludge-shooters.

Figured I should get this one out, as the clock on those 15 minutes is probably running out, heh. Reminds me, I think I have a Jessie J laying around hard drive somewhere, too.

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