Sunday, June 26, 2016

FCR Studios Gene Therapy: Gal

While butthurt fanboy response to the summer blockbuster in which she guest-starred generally spared her, Gal decided she’d equip herself with something to truly spread some epic butthurt. We set her up with something from the “Hot-Kinky-Jo-would-say-‘No’“ department.

She debuted as (the completely original IP) Wonder Fetish Woman, in a red, white, and blue caped mega fox and hat with her Blue Fox Fur Boa of Submission she uses on all her villainous female foes. The BFFBS doesn’t actually have any powers (except for a very long acronym). She just uses it to tie them up while she pounds their vulnerable asses with her giant cock before unloading massive amounts of thick, steaming cocksnot all over their faces.

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