Wednesday, October 5, 2016

FCR Studios Gene Therapy: Daisy

“I don’t want to be typecast.”

“Why would you be- oh, riiiight… Well, one jumbo meatsaber, coming right up- What? Why are you glaring at me?”

It took a little convincing but debuting in Fox Wars: The Force Uncut was a go when I explained she’d be playing the Dark Baroness of the Spunk, dedicated to wiping out the threat posed to galactic order by a rebel force of big boobed bimbos. Because bimbos aren’t good at running galaxy-spanning empires, they lack the proper organizational skills.

Saving the universe with her shiny, new, massive, uncut tool and mind control powers proves a simple task, as bimbo after bimbo falls to her and is left a quivering heap, covered in thick, sticky jizz.

We let her branch out a bit after that, of course. She’s fond of the Planting Daisy series where she tries to fit her cock into a series of fur bound victims volunteers’ pussies. We’re 0 for 45 on that, but she’s a real professional and is always ready to try again…

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